Part of a function called from OnGUI doesn't work C#

The second part of my function ‘DisplayUnits’ that i call from OnGUI sometimes doesn’t run (/get “played”).
This is my code:

void OnGUI () {
		GUI.color = bla;
			DisplayUnits (null, scaledRect.sSquare (10, 10, 40), true);
			DisplayUnits (myGameData.charData.weapons[myGameData.charData.CurrentWeapons[0]],
			              scaledRect.sSquare (15, 145, 40), false);
			DisplayUnits (myGameData.charData.weapons[myGameData.charData.CurrentWeapons[1]],
			              scaledRect.sSquare (245, 145, 40), false);

	private void DisplayUnits (Weapon w, Rect pos, bool disLife){
		Texture icon;
		float amount;
			amount = myGameData.lives;
			icon = lifeTexture;
			if(w.level == 0)
			amount = w.currentAmmo;
			icon = w.icon;
		if(amount < 1)

		Rect iconRect = new Rect( - pos.width / 3.2f, - pos.height / 3.2f, pos.width / 1.6f, pos.height / 1.6f);
		GUI.DrawTexture (pos, middle);
		GUI.DrawTexture (iconRect, icon);
		Matrix4x4 original = GUI.matrix;
		for(float layer = 0; layer < amount / 3; layer++){
			for(int cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++){
				if(layer * 3 + cnt + 1 > amount)
				float angle = myGameData.gametime * 20 + cnt * 120 + layer * 30 + myGameData.gametime * Mathf.Pow (-layer, layer) * 10;
				float scale = 1.1f + (layer * .2f);
				GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot (angle,;
				GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(new Vector2(scale, scale),;
				GUI.DrawTexture (pos, border);
				GUI.matrix = original;

				Debug.Log (myGameData.gametime);
				Debug.Log (w.coolDown[w.level]);
				Debug.Log (w.lastUsed);
				debug = false;
			if(myGameData.gametime - w.lastUsed > w.coolDown[w.level] || w.lastUsed == 0){

				GUIStyle gStyle = new GUIStyle();
				gStyle.fontSize = 60 * Screen.width / 900;
				GUI.Label (iconRect, ((int)(w.coolDown[w.level] - (myGameData.gametime - w.lastUsed))).ToString (), gStyle);

The part that doesn’t seem to get played is after the comment //Cooldown.
To find what the problem was, I exposed a public bool ‘debug’ in the editor.
When I turned this bool on, the debug statement doesn’t do anything, leading me to the conclusion that the second part doesn’t get played, however the gui elements in the first part of the function: DisplayUnits, get displayed and keep spinning, so that part works.

I don’t seem to be able to find what I did wrong, so I would appreciate any help.

*The return statements in the begin of the function aren’t the cause of the problem since the gui textures in the first part are still showing.

It might also be:

if(layer * 3 + cnt + 1 > amount)

I think you want continue:

if(layer * 3 + cnt + 1 > amount)

This code:

if(amount < 1)

causes the method to return sometimes. Which prevents anything else in the method from running after it.