part of my ui doesn't show on build

In the editor all ui is showed up properly (image 1), but after built, some buttons aren’t showed up, but the rest of the UI showed up and function normally. I have tried delete and re insert the scene, but it doesn’t work.

i use this method to add more item (as button) to the scroll rect

 public void itemAdd(int id)
        GameObject newButton = Instantiate(theOriginalButton) as GameObject;
        newButton.GetComponent<ButtonItemClick>().no = id;
        newButton.GetComponent<ButtonItemClick>().noOnBag = count;
        newButton.GetComponent<ButtonItemClick>().buttonName.text = TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[id].itemName;
        newButton.transform.SetParent(theItemBox.transform, false);

ItemManager script contain the list of items, stored as ItemType class

ItemManager Script

public class ItemManager : MonoBehaviour
    public List<ItemType> itemList;

ItemType class

public class ItemType
    public string itemName;
    public string itemDescription;
    public string itemEffect;
    public string equip;

    public bool royalEquip = false;
    public bool isEquip = false;
    public bool isOn = false;
    public bool isHand = false;
    public bool isTwoHand = false;
    public bool isArmor = false;

    public int lowAttack;
    public int highAttack;
    public int lowDefense;
    public int highDefense;

ItemList script, used to adding attributes to the item

    ItemType itemToAdd;
    public static int count;

    void Start()
        //Item no 0
        itemToAdd = new ItemType();
        TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].itemName = "Standard Sword";
        TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].itemDescription = "Just your everyday sword, given by the king as " +
                                                                               "your supply, and he expect you to succeed in your " +
                                                                               "mission, what a douchebag." + "

" +
“-Type: 1-Handed Weapon” + "
" +
“-Attributes: 1 Low Attack” + "
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].isEquip = true;
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].isHand = true;
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].lowAttack = 1;

        //Item no 1
        itemToAdd = new ItemType();
        TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].itemName = "Standard Armor";
        TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].itemDescription = "A very common armor, supplied by the king. " +
                                                                                "This armor barely hold it's own against punch " +
                                                                                "attack, let alone sword attack." + "

" +
“-Type: Armor” + "
" +
“-Attributes: 1 Low Defense” + "
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].isEquip = true;
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].isArmor = true;
TheManager.instance.GetItemManager().itemList[count].lowDefense = 1;

        //The list goes on

What is wrong??

How do you store your data? I have sometimes similar bugs when I edit my database structure. If your case is similar, try change version of your build in Edit>Project Settings>Player (e.g. from 1.0 to 1.1)

well make sure that Anchor points are assigned correctly and also i have noticed that sometimes you have to make all the UI larger than the Canvas size or larger than what you expect!! to fit the resolution of screen(this problem is mainly with Android)!!

Hello, @Molten-Path! I am not certain if this is helpful in your case but here it goes…I had an issue where the UI was showing perfectly in the “editor” and “game” windows but, when I built the application/game to test it on my phone(Galaxy S6 Edge), part of the UI was not showing. I eventually discovered that after I had to format and reinstall Windows on my PC, the aspect ratio of the “game” window had changed to 16:10 which does not match the phone’s aspect ratio of 16:9, after changing the aspect ratio back to 16:9 of the “game” everything seems fine…Good luck!

maybe it is a glitch in the code or something is wrong unity or your bag is glitching.
remember always check your code