Hi, I want to make a Cockroach Particle Effect. They are supposed to walk around random in any directions. Is it possible to turn the Cockroach 2D animation images into the direction they move? So they look in the direction in which they walk?
Thank you,
So I want the start rotation to be always the same with the Shape Random Direction
I actually very recently added support for this to Unity 5.5 … there will be a new check box in the Shape Module called “Align to Direction” … however that is no good to you right now
I think the best you can do in Unity right now is to do it via script, using GetParticles/SetParticles…
Actually, another thought just came to mind: Maybe it’s possible to use the Stretch render mode to fake the same thing…
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[quote=“richardkettlewell, post:3, topic: 630744, username:richardkettlewell”]
Maybe it’s possible to use the Stretch render mode to fake the same thing…
[/quote] yes; but that system will orient the billboard to face cam and can cause the art to clip floor planes** (also look a bit out of perspective according to cam view)
**we can compensate using Renderer / pivot: Z (or shader layering)
(it also puts the arts pivot at the end, not in the middle… so using force_over_lifetime + random will create some crazy flipping-jitter)
Thank you very much for the quick respont. So I will ask a friend to write a Script for me ;-).
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