Particle collision on instantiate doesn't send

When a particle is created by my particle emitter (it’s a large and long particle) and it is instanced inside a collidable object. It doesn’t trigger the OnParticleCollision() event of the particle. It doesn’t bounce either if I would want that to happen.

How do I make a particle send the event when it is spawned inside the object?

I tried to use the IsTrigger interface, but World Particle Colliders don’t seem to respond to triggers and therefore, there is no registration of the trigger event as well (enter/stay/leave)

Related question: Continue particle through world particle collider - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions

Have you checked the “Send Collider Message” option in the “Word Particle Collider”?

If you have and that is not working, then consider using a Trigger instead. See my answer to the other post for an example, except you would only need to check the “Is Trigger” option and attach a script.