There doesn’t seem to be anyone who has asked about the particle effects…
If possible, I’d like to start work on the Puff of smoke for jumps card, and possibly the Impact effect card later on.
There doesn’t seem to be anyone who has asked about the particle effects…
If possible, I’d like to start work on the Puff of smoke for jumps card, and possibly the Impact effect card later on.
Hey Muffio, sure, give it a shot.
The way I was imagining it, since the art style is cartoon, was to have like a flipbook animation, but to hand paint the individual frames. This for the smoke and fire. And obviously on top of that add motion via the regular particle system.
Does it make sense?
Would it be possible for me to work on those animations and particles? I can make a quick showcase of how I would do it if you want.
I’m interested in doing the fire effect. I would like clarification though. When you say “flipbook animation”, do you mean something like a billboarded 2D animation?
I would like to work on the puff of smoke particle effect.
Hi everyone,
I would like to work on this mechanic.
I’m not sure is this a 2d or 3d and if 2d what sprites can i use?
Any other effects I can work with? I want to learn more about particle systems and shaders and this seems like a good opportunity to do so.
it seems like no updates… how can we help on those fx; On the deck (Codecks ) there is no specific forum or information to know who is working on. So how can i help them or start one of those fx that may not be started?
@cirocontinisio these aren’t assigned , and no thread forum links. are these Unity stuff of community cards?
Hey, people!
Someone did another thread where they are already posting some experiments
The task hasn’t been officially assigned yet. But we can discuss the propositions there.