Particle its BEHIND its own Trail: Particle Trail Module


I’m considering Trails for my particles with the Trail Module on the Particle System.

This is kind of weird, since I want to the particle to be Rendered over Its own trail but I cannot find the way to do that.
Here’s its an screenshot:

As you can see, The Star is drawn behind its own trail…

Ok, I answer myself:

I found a solution that works.
But I dont know exactly if it is the correct solution, or just a workaround. Maybe I just skipped something… or maybe its something not considered by Unity devs on the Trails module for the particle system (a sorting order for the particle and another for the trail, not both togheter). I dont know.

But I changed the **“Render Queue” and added +1 on the material ** for ‘ParticleStar’ (as shown on the picture above) and it works. I might mess up something later on, but for now it does what I want.

This is the result

Which is just what I wanted