Particle renderer tint?

Hi. I am trying to change the tint color of a material that is being used by a particle render. I came up with this code, and although I am getting no errors, the tint color does not change. What is wrong? Thanks

var C  : Color[];

function Start(){


This is because the .color property of a material doesn't return tint color, it returns the MainColor, which is always called "_Color" in the source code of the built in shaders. :) Therefore, writing


Is actually shorthand for:

GetComponent<ParticleRenderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", C[Random.Range(0,10)]);

If you want to set the tint color, you need to use SetColor and specify "_TintColor" instead:

GetComponent<ParticleRenderer>().material.SetColor("_TintColor", C[Random.Range(0,10)]);

Beware that this only works for shaders which have a property called _TintColor, obviously.