The circle on the left is a sprite, (512x512px) the circle on the right is a particle system using the same image - all scaling is at 1. Why is the particle much smaller than the base image?
Is the one of left SpriteRenderer sprite or canvas Image?
Size of particle depends on:
- start size (in particle system core settings)
- size over lifetime
- size by speed
- possibly RenderMode (Renderer category)
- actual sprite geometry used for rendering instead of the rectangle selected in sprite editor (can cause particles to bigger than your calculations, if not taken into account
- there is some kind of maximum particle size relative to screen (not sure if it’s configurable) but I have seen particle size change when you try zooming in and viewing the particle closer
Not sure about pixels per unit (in texture import settings), since I usually use 1, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t affect particles.
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in particle renderer there’s also Max Particle size (based on viewport)