Particle system alive for too long after emitters die?

I have a particle system component with:

  • Duration: 0.40
  • Start Lifetime: Random between two constants: [0.2, 0.4]
  • Stop Action: Callback
  • Emission
  • Rate over Time: 0
  • Rate over Distance: 0
  • Bursts: 3 at time 0.

However, it seem the particle system only dies after 3 seconds.
I can see it from both the callback being called in delay, and when playing the particle system in the editor.

What am I missing then?

Is this maybe it?

Ooop, never mind. I misread your post. You say you ARE getting the callback, just a lot later than you would intuit it should happen based on your timings?

Kurt-Dekker Yeah I am.
Actually mine is set to private btw. But as far as I know all unity events can be made private, and they’re working.

Anyway I tried changing it to public now just in case, same result.

Anyone? any thoughts/ideas ?

simluation speed?