I can’t post my whole project, but basically imagine a trigger collider (10 meter sphere) around the player. If a particle enters that trigger collider, I want to do something (like a pop up that says “vision is obscured!”). I don’t want the particles to actually collide and be moved by this collider, thus it is a trigger.
I cannot get the OnParticleCollision to activate when the collider is a trigger. I’ve found a few posts/youtube videos saying this is true, but I haven’t found any Unity documentation on it.
So in my actual sim I have dozens of short lived particle systems being created at any point and potentially hundreds of dynamically created colliders. The trigger module seems to suggest that I would have to keep track of all of my particle systems and then register any dynamically created collider against all of them? I would hope there is a way to do this with layers as is done with the collider module?
I’m not a particle dev. As I said, you should use the particles tag to try to get a particle devs attention. The physics teams did not create the particles modules etc. Personally, I’ve never used them.