Particle System - How can I make sure top parent end last?

I have a particle system that contains multiple children particles. Is there anyway I can make sure the top parent particle end last? (so that I can make use of the stop action Callback)


Well, there are various ways to archive this, but I will provide you the easiest way to implement.

First, let’s talk about the idea. The idea here is set your Explosion Smoke 's loop to true, then start a coroutine to check if all the children isAlive, if not, stop the Explosion Smoke, and the StopAction will be invoked.

public class TestParticle : MonoBehaviour {
        private ParticleSystem m_mainps;
        private List<ParticleSystem> m_childrenPar;
        ParticleSystem.MainModule m_main;
        private void Start() {
            m_mainps = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
            m_childrenPar = GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>().ToList();

            m_main = m_mainps.main;
            m_main.loop = true;

            m_main.stopAction = ParticleSystemStopAction.Destroy; // or something else


        private IEnumerator OnFinish() {
            yield return new WaitUntil(() => !m_childrenPar.Exists(x => x.IsAlive()));

attached this script to your particlesystem object maybe it’s work.

Cheers, Vince.