Particle system jitter, camera lerp

I have a camera that looked jittery when using lerp, eventually fixed it by using FixedUpdate for the camera. Looks good when camera moves except for a particle system I have that is a child of the player that the camera lerps to. The particles emit in world space and are not affected by the player movement. Normally these particles looked fine but I wanted to have an area where the particles move faster, and I noticed that if the particles, which are moved by 2D physics, jitter when the camera follows the player downwards. This should not happen because the physics happens in FixedUpdate along with the camera. I can’t tell if like my eyes are deceiving me or something but if the particles have no velocity or speed the jitter does not happen. Is this just from the camera moving fast?

Particles don’t move with 2D physics, it has no knowledge of the particle system which is a completely different system internally.

The particle system can use 2D physics just as you do by performing CircleCast queries for particles but that’s it.

I’m not following the remaining of your question if I’m honest. All I can say is that it’s not clear why you’re moving a camera in the FixedUpdate, that doesn’t run per-frame so you won’t get smooth motion. All camera movement should be some in LateUpdate because the camera is based upon Transform changes.

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The camera was moving in FixedUpdate because the player it follows looks jittery otherwise because it is moving with physics. Using late update makes the player jitter. How could I make the camera smooth for all objects?

That makes no sense. FixedUpdate is 50Hz by default.

Do you know what interpolation is on a Rigidbody? That updates the Transform per-frame so you can follow the Transform for smooth movement. You’re stating the opposite of that which is confusing.