Particle System Play On Player trigger?

I have no complete knowledge and understanding of code BUT I am slowly picking it up.

Here’s the problem:

I have a roll-a-ball game, where I’d like to trigger a particle system when the player picks up a gem.
I have the particle system attached to the gem game objects and not as a child (could be the problem)
I do have a collider on the player and an OnTrigger for the gems. My pick up item script works I just don’t know what I could add to help?

I’m usually happy searching forums, YouTube or just trying to have a go but apparently a new particle system and no exact answers for my issue, I would really appreciate some help. :slight_smile:

Thank you so basically as I go through the gem, I add a stop THEN play? How would I do that? I’ve had a look through the particle system section in scripting api, I have found particle but it didn’t work right for me. Wondering if there was a specific line of code I had to use to instanciate the particles? I will change them from local to world as I’m pretty sure once the gem deletes the particles will too right? Really appreciate the help and advice :slight_smile: