Particle System state after Timeline ends control track


I have a Timeline that controls a particle system with a control track. This is great for creating the timeline and orchestrating sounds and other FX with the particle system. However, when the timeline finishes, the particle system stops playing.
I have to use a signal to call ParticleSystem.Play() afterwards, which is a workaround but feels hacky. Isn’t there supposed to be an option on the control track to handle the state of the ParticleSystem after the track has finished, like with the Animation track?

There isn’t an option - the playable controlling the particle assumes that it will only play for the duration of the clip.

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hate to be that person but you promised to fix this back in 2018. From all the post I’ve read, other staffs seem to have no idea why this is even a problem (like they simply questioned why we need to stop a particle system instead of disabling it) and you are the only staff that understand this needs to be fixed. Please don’t forget about this bug, we really need this to work.

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Is this still not possible?

I was able to workaround it by adding an Animation Track to the Particle System, creating an Signal Emmiter (Stop Particle) when I want, and then adding a Signal Receiver on the Particle System that call stop on the particle system.
It works, but that is a lot of work to make something that should be simple.

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6 months later, Is there a simpler way to do this or not yet??