Particle System -- Sub Emitters -- Don't work

Hi @richardkettlewell @karl_jones

I’m running into a bug with sub emitters.

I tried using burst emission as suggested in the docs, but no luck

They only spawn once. :sweat_smile:

I’m on 2019.3.14

Thanks for the help!!


The docs could do with a bit more detail here. They only support one emission event when the death event happens. Setting a time larger than 0, or using multiple bursts, doesn’t work.

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Hi Richard,
Thanks for the response. Is there a reason we can’t have sub emitters per particle? :sweat_smile:

Sorry perhaps i was unclear, or perhaps I’m misunderstanding your question… We do support having sub emitters react to an event for each particle.

The limitation is that Death and Collision events only support 1 burst at time 0 (there can be no delays or anything after the event, because the event is only known at the instant the particle dies/collides.)

Hi Richard,

Thanks so much for the explanation. I think I understand what you mean.

In the animated GIF above, we can see 2 grey rectangles get emitted, but only 1 grey rectangle plays the “circle” sub emitter.

Is there anything in my setting that is delaying any particle events?

Thanks again for your help!

The burst count on the subemitter is set to 30. I’d set that to 1, if im understandig what you want correctly :slight_smile:

I tried 25 particles with a burst count of 1 … no luck. There’s still just 1 yellow circle that is sub emitted. I was hoping for 25 yellow circles.

I guess this isn’t possible to achieve.

Thanks anyways.

Can you export a .unitypackage with the problematic effect, and upload it here?

Hi @richardkettlewell

Thanks for your help!

Please find a test project linked. Dropbox

In there we can only sub-emit 1 red particle. The expected result would have 10 red particles be sub-emitted.

Thanks again!:slight_smile:

In the Sub-Emitter (1), two settings are incorrect:

  1. Max Particles is set to 1. This means there may only be 1 red particle alive at any one time. Change it to 10.
  2. Each Death event is trying to spawn 30 particles, because in the Emission Module, the burst count is set to 30. (But it can’t, because Max Particles caps the limit less than 30. If you want 1 red particle for each particle that dies in the parent system, set the Burst Count to 1.

After doing both of these things, I think I’m seeing the behaviour you want.

Good luck! :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for your help!!!

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