Particles aren´t shown on Meta Quest 2 apk-build

Hi there.
I´m using particles (from the Cartoon FX package) and they aren´t shown on a Meta Quest 2 if I build the android apk and run it on the Quest. When I run the game from the editor via Meta Quest link everything seems to be correct so the code and render pipeline seems to be correct. The render pipeline is URP. It doesn´t matter if I use Vulkan or OpenGL.
Does anybody know what might be wrong here?
Thank you

  • check device log (logcat)
  • does it work with multipass (if its now singlepass) ?
  • does the package use custom shaders?
  • is it particle system or vfx graph?
  • Unity version?

Thank you for your questions. As I was looking for the answers I´ve found in a review of the “Cartoon FX package” package" that the particles won´t work “if you don’t enable Depth Texture and Opaque Texture in the URP Asset”.
As a response the publisher wrote:
This is due to how the ‘soft particles’ system works, and unfortunately there’s no way to know if the depth texture is available during compilation or execution of the shader.
Alternatively, users can edit the file CFXR_SETTINGS.cginc to entirely disable soft particles for CFXR effects.
So I disabled the soft particles and now it works.