Particles briefly start playing but then disappear

I’m trying to get particles to work in-game. I’ve tried everything but nothing I try seems to work.

The particles start playing but only appear very briefly before disappearing. They’re not being destroyed in code but when I look at the inspector during play, the particles are not showing in there.

    public void CreateParticle(Vector3 position)
        GameObject newParticle = (GameObject)Instantiate(hitParticle, position, Quaternion.identity);
        ParticleSystem ps = newParticle.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
        ps.enableEmission = true;

The hitParticle is a prefab from the JMO Cartoon FX3 assets. It works fine in the editor.

No. The particles aren’t in a loop and are one-shot. The problem is that they appear very briefly and don’t continue to completion before being deleted. They just seem to flash on then delete. But it’s so quick that the Hierarchy panel doesn’t get a chance to update.