Same bug keeps popping up and then squashed and then popping up. I am assuming it is because i have the SizeOver Lifetime Module being used . It happens particularly to specific particle system oftimes and sometimes to a random particle system. They are pooled 'ammo" so I am setting them active right before firing. I wonder if anybody found a workaround or if I should move to 2020.01a which claims it is fixed…but that may not even be the issue. And file a bug report…yeah…I know…except have filed many over the last few weeks for 2019.0f3 and it still is happening but now the bug reporter fails to get the logs and files together to send in 0f5…so there is that. I am sure this is stopping many devs in their tracks.
I sent the last four crash dump .exe’s. The Bug Reporter would not send the project…kept failing…
I’m submitting an extremely similar bug today (well, did a couple ago, but creating a repro today). As you are, I’m also using the Size Over Time module. Perhaps relevant.
What’s your case number?
Thanks for reporting it! Sorry the bug reporter is giving you a hard time
Y… Particles are pretty important to many types of games and simulations. I am doing production on an atomic physics edutainment MVS and was ready to present it to a top world publisher this week but I won’t if it crashes. I would look like the fool. I was ready to download 2020 alpha even though it is verboten to do a production app in an alpha of Unity. But I can’t go back to 2018LTS because it will break all my prefab connections and I don’t have the heart to go back thru and figure that out. When is 2019.0f6 coming?
I can usually figure these out. I went searching through over a hundred posts and several release notes and that is the closest I can come up with with folks having similar problems they felt related to the particle system. Unity keeps claiming it is fixed and then a version or two later it regresses and a diff group of folks pop their head up complaining it is still happening. Going thru editor logs I saw that it was looking for an address four times and could not find it right before the crash. I also noticed that 2 hidden fallback shaders for particles could not be found when the project loaded from the same log. The hexadecimal addresses gave me no human clues WTF it was all about and the missing hidden shaders it was looking for a fall back for was sitting in my shader menu unhidden…
Tried 2020 …crashed even quicker. Removed all modules and scaling that made it non-procedural too…so I am not so sure this is a size module thing. But it only seems to happen when particles on a gameObject have the gameObject/rigidbody made active.
Hey there!
Sorry, my case number is 1213565.
I was asked to try again, but I haven’t done so yet. Honestly, because nothing has changed (it started happening in 0f5, which is still the current version - and it never happened in 0f1), and it was very reproduceable the first time. That being said, I did submit my full prior crash report. If it helps, entering and leaving play mode seemed to crash, as did pausing the particle system (which I do on game pause). (Full notes are in the report, but I’m happy to answer questions).
Sorry, I feel like I should provide more info. I was rushed (son playing in the room), when last I posted.
I’ve only “fixed” this issue by reverting back to version 0f1. In 0f5, I found Unity to be completely unusable for my game. When I say I didn’t attempt to repro again, it’s because I had “successfully” crashed about a dozen times prior (as did co-workers on their machines), and didn’t want to take the time to unsuccessfully migrate back to 0f5 (and back) again. If you’d like me to for any explicit test, I’m happy to to aid in fixing this issue. I just didn’t want to spend the time to reproduce the extremely easy to reproduce crashing and burn a work day doing so without an explicit test case I was asked to run
Happy to fill any request that helps.
So…Did you have any issues going back to 2019.0f1…because I just may do that instead of sitting here dead in the water.
No, I’ve been in 0f1 since basically it released. I’ve had no troubles at all there.
I tried it and same troubles. I am switching the physics to DOTS-ECS.
Hi there!
@richardkettlewell Please note that this issue still occurs in the now-released 2019.3.0f6. I am submitting a new bug report to capture this, for your aid. It is, however, exactly the same as was in 2019.3.0f5. If I pause my game while a Particle System is active, the Unity Editor crashes. This is true in 0f5 and 0f6, but was not true in 0f1. It was introduced somewhere since.
Until I hear back, I will stay with 0f1 due to lack of options. Please let me know what I can do to help fix.
Edited as I just got the case number: 1215150
Thanks both!
I’m going through the open particle bugs this week, and I’ll try to get QA to process this one quickly so I can look at this before the weekend.
Thanks, sir!
Was this bug already fixed?
The fix will come out with F8? (When it’s expected to be released?)
Not yet - you can track it yourself here:
We have made a fix, which is currently going through our QA process.
Sorry for any inconvenience it’s causing!
@richardkettlewell Was it fixed on 2019.3.2f1?
Hey! The fix is about to land internally, but hasn’t, as of writing this.
So I think it should be in 2019.3.3f1, but I’m not sure when we will cut that version. So there is a chance it might not be until .4.
Sorry for the vagueness! It’s coming very very soon is the best I can tell you