Particles different in Maximize On Play / Build

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I just started on my project and already got “stuck” on a problem where I couldn´t find a solution on the web. Maybe someone of you has an idea.

I attatched an Particle System to my 2D-Chicken as a child. The Particle System plays/stops when the movement value is over/under a certain threshold. This works fine and the particles show in the editor without a problem.

But, when I start Playmode in Maximize On Play or make a Build an play it there are almost no particles while running only some when I stop or fast move left and right.

The particle system is on an empty game object that is a child of the chicken. I also add some pictures of the particle system settings.

I tried to solve it for some hours, thought about:

  • Sorting Layer (it is on the Player Layer below the Player)
  • Materials (using a Default Sprite Material)
  • Camera Clipping

Thank you for your help ! :slight_smile:

Ok, just found out that you can tag your thread with “Help Wanted” and help ist still very appreciated :slight_smile:

“The Particle System plays/stops when the movement value is over/under a certain threshold”

So you have some script driving your particle system?

Yes. It is pretty simple, just I just take the values from “Horizontal” and “Vertical” in the Input System and if the value is above or below 0 I set ParticleSystem.Play().

Just can´t find out why there is a difference in visibility in Windowed (Small Game View) and Maximized Gameview / Build.