Particles Escape Collider

Unity Pro 5.3.4f1

I have a particle system setup that almost works properly… but some particles are getting past the collider. See the attached image.

As you can see in the image, there is an invisible tube-like object with a mesh collider on it and a box-like object with a mesh collider on it. Collision quality is set to ‘high’.

I have re-made the both the tube object and box object with denser meshes and this helped… after doing this fewer particles escaped the collider but there are still some particles which escape. Visually, this ruins the effect. I need the particles to remain 100% contained.

Is there anything I can do to make the colliders block 100% of the particles escaping?

Is there some method of immediately killing any escaped particles?

Is there some masking method which would hide the escaped particles so the viewer would never see the escapees? (keep in mind that the viewer can orbit around the pipe and see it from any angle).

Thanks for any ideas!

Can you submit a bug report with the project? We have fixed some collider issues so its possible is already fixed but hard to tell without the project.

Thanks for the ideas Karl.

I can’t submit ‘the’ project because of NDA but I submitted a bug report with a stripped down version of the project that shows the issue (#792953).

Thanks again.

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Thanks. Stripped down projects are even better :smile:

Any resolution to this?