Particles in HDRP not playing in Scene or Game view, just Runtime

Not sure what setting I changed but no particles in my HDRP project using 2021.1.12 will not play in scene or game view any more - but they will play at runtime. I have a few particle packages from the asset store, these aren’t custom-made ones. They played before in HDRP but for some reason not anymore.

My clipping plane is set to 0.1 - 5000 and everything else plays in scene/game view…strange.

Always refresh and Particles are on in the Scene toggle.

Also the play button on the particle box is greyed out and if I hit Restart, it steps through the particle animations frame by frame…

HDRP doesnt have good particle effect support, and unless they are custom made for HDRP (shadergraph) they wont work, or cause alot of probs.

Is the tooltip on the disabled play button telling you that you set Time Scale to zero?

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Oh geez…yup! I had set it to 0 a while ago and forgot about it. Thank you!

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