Particles with random sprites

I would like make a particle generator that generates particles that display random sprites of a sprites sheet. So lets say the sprites sheet has like 6 different looking sprites and every particle gets the UV randomly of 1 of these 6 different looking sprites. How can i do that?

not possible?
I know its possible in the UDK with its particls system so i hoped it would be too in Unity.

You can do something like this by creating a few materials for the fx and assigning them to the particle system’s material section. It basically will achieve the exact effect you are looking for. Try it out and see if that works for you.

that only blends the materials to 1 particle. I would also need some kind of random setting. Even if that all works i would imagine that every material would be another draw call which is crucial for mobile development.

Maybe you could have multiple particle systems overlapped and have them randomly emit?

That would be more drawcalls.

He wants a feature that I’m asking as well: the implementation of the halo shader with the particles.

So, Davision, what you ask is possible but you have to code it yourself.
Or hope that the next version of Unity will finally add a more complete particles system.

Oh right. And from CG modeling experience, you learn to hate halos.