The compiler said ParticleEmission is obsolete and to use ParticleSystem. So I changed the code to:
//wheelsList*.wheelParticles.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>().emit = true;*
wheelsList*.wheelParticles.GetComponent().emit = true;*
and now I get the error:
CS1061: Type UnityEngine.ParticleSystem' does not contain a definition for
emit’ and no extension method emit' of type
UnityEngine.ParticleSystem’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
How do i use ‘emit’ now with the new ParticleSystem?
I tried this and the ‘emit’ still doesnt work.
ParticleSystem ps = GetComponent ();
* var em = ps.emission;*
* em.enabled = true;*
* em.emit = true;*