Passing a variable to thread function in Javascript

How do I pass variables to thread?

#pragma strict

function Foo(MyVar : int) {
	for(var i=0;i<10000;i++) {
		MyVar = i;

function Start () {
	var VarIwantToPass : int = 123;
	var thread = System.Threading.Thread(Foo ( VarIwantToPass ) );

// Error is :
// BCE0024: The type 'System.Threading.Thread' does not have a
// visible constructor that matches the argument list '(void)'.

I saw some crazy solutions but for C# eg. like this:

Thread t = new Thread( () => send2( var1, var2 ) );

How can I use something similar in JavaScript?

Pass the parameter using Thread.Start. e.g.,

import System.Threading;
function Start () {
	var thread = new Thread (Foo);
	thread.Start (123);