Passing custom message to extraMessage param in ClientScene.AddPlayer()

Hello there,
As Unity official documentation available on website, i have read about ClientScene.AddPlayer can pass extra message to extraMessage param following by :

So, i just create a custom message :

//Extra message send to server
		SpawnCharacterMessage spawnCharMsg = new SpawnCharacterMessage();
		spawnCharMsg.assetName = assetName;
		spawnCharMsg.lastLocation = ZAccount.Instance.infoCharacter.lastLocation;

		Debug.Log("Client send message " + spawnCharMsg.assetName);

		//Send message to server

And on the server-side, it’s going to be like that :

NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(MsgType.AddPlayer, OnClientAddPlayer);
void OnClientAddPlayer(NetworkMessage netMsg)
		var spawnPlayerMsg = netMsg.ReadMessage<SpawnCharacterMessage>();
		var location = spawnPlayerMsg.lastLocation;
		var assetName = "Warrior";

		Debug.Log("Server : Custom add player message " + location);

		//Find spawn point base on lastlocation

		GameObject asset = Asset.GetCharacterAssetFromName(assetName);
		GameObject player = Instantiate(asset) as GameObject;

But the message content was null ( “location” variable null ).
So, am i wrong anything ? And if i would like to pass extra message via AddPlayer extraMessage param, how to do that ?

It is because the message data for AddPlayer is always of type UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkSystem.AddPlayerMessage
and your custom message is in msgData part.

example to use (send build-in integer message:

void OnAddPlayer(NetworkMessage netMsg)
	AddPlayerMessage ap = netMsg.ReadMessage<AddPlayerMessage>();
	NetworkReader reader = new NetworkReader(ap.msgData);
	IntegerMessage im = new IntegerMessage();

I know my answer is probably to late, but maybe help someone else.

Hello @Tho654 ,
For someone are find same solution here that what i did.
Instead of calling :

 //Send message to server

I was call :

		//Send message to server

As ZMatchClient was declared as Singleton and NetworkClient m_Client, that just instead call built-in AddPlayer() function, i create new message base on MessageBase all call as custom message.
It will generate a warning but it working perfectly. Here that my full custom spawn message :

void OnGameSpawnCharacter()
		//Load player prefabs from Asset
		string assetName = ZAccount.Instance.infoCharacter.assetName;
		string lastLocation = ZAccount.Instance.infoCharacter.lastLocation;

		playerPrefabs = Asset.GetCharacterAssetFromName(assetName);
		NetworkHash128 hashId = playerPrefabs.GetComponent<NetworkIdentity>().assetId;

		//Register this prefabs with spawning system
		ClientScene.RegisterSpawnHandler(hashId, OnSpawnCharacter, OnDespawnCharacter);

		//Set client to be ready

		//Extra message send to server
		SpawnCharacterMessage spawnCharMsg = new SpawnCharacterMessage();
		spawnCharMsg.assetName = assetName;
		spawnCharMsg.lastLocation = lastLocation;
		spawnCharMsg.UID = Account.GetAccountUID();
		spawnCharMsg.CID = Account.selectedCharacter.CID;

		//Send message to server


The server-side still declared as above…