Passing GameObject to ServerRPC

So I have a OnTriggerEnter function which should execute a serverRPC and change some values on the HIT object. I have read this post Netcode: GameObject as parameter of ServerRpc Function but couldnt understand how it works. Can someone help please? :slight_smile:

If the serverRpc is on the hit object you can just pass in the values as parameters. You’ll have to elaborate on how your objects are set up.

I know nothing about colliders or rigidbodies and such so I may not be able to give you the correct solution for your problem. :slight_smile:

Hi thanks for the rply. I have the OnTriggerEnter and ServerRPC script inside a bullet prefab and i want to call a serverrpc with the hit object as a parameter inside the OnTriggerEnter method when the bullet hits a player.
like this:
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
public void TakeDMGServerRPC(GameObject hitPlayer)
hitPlayer.GetComponent().currentHealth.Value -= 20;
I have fixed the issue for now with this
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if(!IsServer) return;

but I would like to now a method to give a gameobject as parameter in serverrpc
I think like this post
but I didnt understand this xD (sorry for my bad english)

This may work but I’ve not tried it:

public void TakeDMGServerRPC(NetworkObjectReference playerGameObject)
playerGameObject.GetComponent<Stats>().currentHealth.Value -= 20;

NetworkBehaviourReference is another option as the rpc parameter where you can pass in a NetworkBehaviour like Player or Stats in directly rather than the game object.

Thank you :slight_smile: I added if(!playerGameObject.TryGet(out NetworkObject networkObject) and now it works

    private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    public void TakeDMGServerRPC(NetworkObjectReference playerGameObject)
        if (!IsOwner) return;
        if(!playerGameObject.TryGet(out NetworkObject networkObject))
        networkObject.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.GetComponent<Stats>().currentHealth.Value -= 20;
