passing multi-dimensional arrays from one script to another?

ok so i have a map layout:
125JS GridMaker125
var instantiateObject : GameObject;

var gridX = 10;
var gridY = 10;

function Start () {

var map : GameObject[,] = new GameObject[gridX,gridY];

	for ( var x = 0; x < gridX; x++){
		for (var y = 0; y < gridY; y++){
			var myName = Instantiate(instantiateObject, Vector3(x *.5,0,y * .5), Quaternion.identity); = "x: " + x + "y: " + y;
		map[x,y] = myName;


and i have a instantiate where i am trying to acces that maps gameObjects:
JS GuiStart

// assign my grid point
function Start () {
       middleOfMap = GetComponent(GridMaker);
       leftMiddle = middleOfMap.Map[1,1];

function OnGui () {
           //If gui button is down Instantiate monster one at gridpoint
           if(GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width - (Screen.width - 10) + monsterOneRight,Screen.height - 65,50,50), "Monster_1")){

but it gets confused about which gameObject i am trying to acces in my array?

You should move the map declaration outside Start - variables declared inside a function are local, and nobody outside knows them.

var gridX = 10;
var gridY = 10;
var map : GameObject[,] = new GameObject[gridX,gridY];

function Start () {

In the GuiStart, you must define the type of middleOfMap as GridMaker. If both scripts are attached to different objects, you must have a reference (gameObject, collider, transform, etc.) to the GridMaker owner. You may also have problems because you’re reading the map value at Start, but nobody can guarantee that GridMaker’s Start function will be executed prior to GuiStart - read the map value in OnGUI instead:

var middleOfMap: GridMaker;

function Start () {
    middleOfMap = GetComponent(GridMaker); // both scripts must be attached to the same object!

function OnGui () {
    //If gui button is down Instantiate monster one at gridpoint
    if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width - (Screen.width - 10) + monsterOneRight,Screen.height - 65,50,50), "Monster_1")){
        var leftMiddle =[1, 1].transform.position; // read the map value here