Passing number Variables through custome Evvents

I want to pass the highest score achieved by each player playing as a custom event with the name of “HighScore” followed by the value. Is there an easy way to implement this, please?

I assume you already have the “highest score” for this user in a variable somewhere. Then this link should help, you can send anything you want in the dictionary Unity - Scripting API: Analytics.Analytics.CustomEvent . May I ask, what do you plan to do with this data? It won’t be visible in the Dashboard per user. For the “highest score” parameter, you’ll only see Sum and Average and Count, not likely what you are expecting. If you are looking for a leader-board by chance, this would not be a workable solution.

It would help me to see how difficult it is and if I make it easier or harder depending on the current average score. As of a leader board, what system do you suggest? The game will be available on the app store?

Understood, makes sense. I would not be able to make a specific recommendation for a leader board system, I haven’t used one. Google is your friend!

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