Passing through an extra variable after LoadAssetAsync?

Anyone know how I can pass through an extra variable (a string) with

Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Sprite>("Path").Completed += Function;

If it’s not obvious, I want to pass through an extra variable to “function” after the asset load is completed.

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Hey, this is more of a C# question, but to answer - just assign a lambda to your Completed event and call your function via that:

private static void LoadMySprite() {
    const string mySpritePath = "Path";
    const string mySpriteName = "Name";
    Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Sprite>(mySpritePath).Completed += handle => Function(handle, mySpriteName);

private static void Function(AsyncOperationHandle<Sprite> handle, string myString) {
    if (handle.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded) {
        Sprite mySprite = handle.Result;
        Debug.Assert(myString == "Name");

I learn something everyday. Thank you it works perfectly!