I am working on a game where I have to mix colored liquids as shown here. I was able to achieve this effect by using a plug-in (StableFluids):
The shaders used in the plugin are able to create the effect I want but the effect is created in the wrong position; rather than being triggered at the point where the user’s finger is touching the screen, the effect is being triggered at other points.
The plug-in has one compute shader which takes 2 parameters: force origin and force direction. The force direction is working properly as the deformation happens in the direction of the finger swipe. However, I am having trouble the touch input position into an accurate force origin value. I am passing the force origin value to the shader using Unity’s “RaycastHit.textureCoord”.
Below is the compute shader code:
// StableFluids - A GPU implementation of Jos Stam's Stable Fluids on Unity
// https://github.com/keijiro/StableFluids
#pragma kernel Advect
#pragma kernel Force
#pragma kernel PSetup
#pragma kernel PFinish
#pragma kernel Jacobi1
#pragma kernel Jacobi2
// Common parameter
float Time;
float DeltaTime;
// External force
float2 ForceOrigin;
float2 ForceVector;
float ForceExponent;
// U (velocity field)
Texture2D<float2> U_in;
SamplerState samplerU_in;
RWTexture2D<float2> U_out;
// W (velocity field; working)
Texture2D<float2> W_in;
RWTexture2D<float2> W_out;
// Div W
RWTexture2D<float> DivW_out;
// P (pressure field)
Texture2D<float> P_in;
RWTexture2D<float> P_out;
// Color map
Texture2D<half4> C_in;
SamplerState samplerC_in;
RWTexture2D<half4> C_out;
// Jacobi method arguments
float Alpha, Beta;
Texture2D<float> X1_in;
Texture2D<float> B1_in;
RWTexture2D<float> X1_out;
Texture2D<float2> X2_in;
Texture2D<float2> B2_in;
RWTexture2D<float2> X2_out;
// Advect step
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void Advect(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint2 dim;
W_out.GetDimensions(dim.x, dim.y);
float2 uv = (tid + 0.5) / dim;
float2 duv = U_in[tid] * float2((float)dim.y / dim.x, 1) * DeltaTime;
W_out[tid] = U_in.SampleLevel(samplerU_in, uv - duv, 0);
// Add-force step
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void Force(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint2 dim;
W_out.GetDimensions(dim.x, dim.y);
float2 pos = (tid + 0.5 - dim * 0.5) / dim.y;
float amp = exp(-ForceExponent * distance(ForceOrigin, pos));
W_out[tid] = W_in[tid] + ForceVector * amp;
// Setup for Project step (divW calculation)
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void PSetup(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint2 dim;
W_in.GetDimensions(dim.x, dim.y);
DivW_out[tid] = (W_in[tid + int2(1, 0)].x - W_in[tid - int2(1, 0)].x +
W_in[tid + int2(0, 1)].y - W_in[tid - int2(0, 1)].y) * dim.y / 2;
P_out[tid] = 0;
// Finishing for Project step (divergence free field calculation)
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void PFinish(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
uint2 dim;
W_in.GetDimensions(dim.x, dim.y);
if (any(tid == 0) || any(tid == dim - 1)) return;
float P1 = P_in[max(tid - int2(1, 0), 1)];
float P2 = P_in[min(tid + int2(1, 0), dim - 2)];
float P3 = P_in[max(tid - int2(0, 1), 1)];
float P4 = P_in[min(tid + int2(0, 1), dim - 2)];
float2 u = W_in[tid] - float2(P2 - P1, P4 - P3) * dim.y / 2;
U_out[tid] = u;
if (tid.x == 1) U_out[int2(0, tid.y)] = -u;
if (tid.y == 1) U_out[int2(tid.x, 0)] = -u;
if (tid.x == dim.x - 2) U_out[int2(dim.x - 1, tid.y)] = -u;
if (tid.y == dim.y - 2) U_out[int2(tid.x, dim.y - 1)] = -u;
// Jacobi method with a scalar field
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void Jacobi1(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
X1_out[tid] = (X1_in[tid - int2(1, 0)] + X1_in[tid + int2(1, 0)] +
X1_in[tid - int2(0, 1)] + X1_in[tid + int2(0, 1)] + Alpha * B1_in[tid]) / Beta;
// Jacobi method with a vector field
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void Jacobi2(uint2 tid : SV_DispatchThreadID)
X2_out[tid] = (X2_in[tid - int2(1, 0)] + X2_in[tid + int2(1, 0)] +
X2_in[tid - int2(0, 1)] + X2_in[tid + int2(0, 1)] + Alpha * B2_in[tid]) / Beta;
- What kind of conversion is required to convert the touch input position to the shader’s coordinate system so that the effect appears where the finger has touched?
- Are there any other open-source plug-ins to implement the required effect that have a clearer relationship between the touch input and the shader effect coordinates?
I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts on this topic. Thank you.