I’ve made some mistakes in my scene hierarchy and now it’s a huge pain to reparent various game objects to clean it up because my hierarchy is relatively flat (several screens long). If the object I want to move between parents is close to the other parent such that I can drag and drop there’s no problem. But if I want to move an object to a parent not on screen my only option other than a very slow-paced drag, auto list scroll, and drop seems to be cut and paste. But regular paste doesn’t care what parent is selected. And paste as child moves the object to an entirely different world coordinate space.
Sorry if I missed a “mastering the hierarchy” FAQ/tutorial where this is covered. I’d happily read that if there is one, as I’m sure even 1 year in to unity development there are things I don’t understand.
Also and relatedly, I sure wish there was a keyboard option to move the selection from a game object to it’s parent.