Path not affected by moving addressable asset in Project


I did some refactoring by moving elements in Projects folder in Unity editor. These changed were not reflected in Addressables view for those elements, and thus loading / instantiation throw an error.

After fixing the path (by toggling addressable tick box in inspector), nothing changed in the project according to SVN modifications even though Unity clearly changed the path for element and instantiation / loading worked.

Is this know bug, or something I just accidentally managed to achieve.

Unity 2019.3.0f6

For the SVN part you need to rebuild the bundles for a change to be registered.

This should be fixed in one of the newer versions of the package. I think anything after 1.5.1+ should have this resolved (though to be fair I can’t remember exactly when that fix when in). Let me know if you update your version of the package and still see the paths not getting updated in the group editor window.