Path Painter - Paths, Ramps, Roads & River Beds for Unity Terrain

Welcome to Path Painter, the Path, Ramp, Road and Riverbed painting system for Unity 3D.

Whether you are making a road, a ramp, a path or a river, Path Painter makes terrain based path creation and texturing a breeze!

Path Painter allows you to:

  • Create paths;
  • Create ramps;
  • Create roads;
  • Create plateaus for secret forts;
  • Create lake and river beds;
  • Change terrain elevation along path;
  • Re-texture along path embankments;
  • Clear grass and trees along path;
  • Use various algorithms for natural clearing;

And Path Painter is completely Unity Terrain compatible - no third party shaders required!

Note: This asset is provided in DLL form rather than with source code. If you would like to purchase the source code then please contact us directly.


Could you please put the Quick Start guide online, so i can take a look at how it works before purchasing please?



Yep, this and tutorials coming soon.


Hey guys - we’re having a heck of a time simply adding “a painted line” to Terrain.

(So - imagine say a ski run, easy enough in Unity Terrain. Just want to paint a blue line (as if someone took paint and painted a “blue line” on the snow) say 0.5, maybe 1m, wide.)

This (as you probably know) is remarkably difficult. In fact, could we do this with Path Painter?

(It would just be the simplest possible path … like, “blue” ! :slight_smile: Perhaps ideally transparent blue.)

What do you think?

3663499--299986--screenshot.png not so easy!

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Hey @Fattie ,

It’s probably not the best idea to use the Unity Terrain texture for that if you want a fine line, because you are limited by the resolution. Similarly as if you tried to paint a line on an image where the line would be too slim for the resolution:

Here I tried to do something similar (in transparent brown) with Path Painter but I don’t think this is what you want:



is possible to add fence and others things on the edge when i draw a road ?



Re: “painted line” - got it ! Thanks, masters! :slight_smile: Am buying the asset anyway as it is clearly by far the best for paths, walkways etc.

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Thank you for your question @tequyla_1 !

That’s something we could consider at some time in the future. It’s not in the scope and not on the roadmap at the moment considering that GeNa does a great job at spawning fences and other things:

[To avoid confusion: WHAT YOU SEE IN THE 2 PICTURES BELOW IS GENA IN ACTION, NOT PATH PAINTER - I wouldn’t want someone scrolling through, buying the tool and then looking for the fencing you see below.]

I hope this helps


So you could set GeNa rules to put the fence etc, along the " Re-texture along path embankments "
If you had a Path embankment texture ? even if it was a temporary texture just for Gena to find ?

Maybe an easier method can find its way into GeNa 2 for this idea … :wink:


of course the second I saw this I had to purchase! Can’t wait to try it out.
I’ve used other pathing tools and they weren’t the quality you get from Procedural Worlds!!!


Yes, the good thing about both tool being Procedural Worlds tools is that we can make the work nicely together over time.

Keep in mind guys that Path Painter is still just a hatchling at this stage. We aren’t entirely sure ourselves yet what it can grow up to be and what cool things these tools will be doing together.

If it helps you big time now, awesome!
If it doesn’t, you can keep an eye on it for the future until you are entirely happy that you need it.

We are happy to get your feedback and ideas.


Above I realised it would be bad if someone just skimmed through and thought that was Path Painter in action (that was GeNa spawning fences).

This is what Path Painting looks like:



Bought and now I don’t have to worry this will be deprecated like the other path tool I got
less then a year ago.

Again this is my argument for supporting developers you know and have been around and give great service!!!

After playing around and doing the quick start, WOW.


A question about pathpainter and gaia.Is possible after create paths with PP, retexture the terrain with gaia without update the heighmap so the changes made with PP remain?


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Nice to see a new Procedural World Asset came out. Concrats to Adam and Frank!
Two quick question:

So with Path Painter I suppose you always have to draw the roads / paths by yourself? No point click generation like other Assets? (Which is totally fine by me ;))

Is it possible to create Cliff Ways something like that?

So you define the size lets say 8m and Path Painter create hard slopes (not so smooth ones) like in the picture? A tutorial or video for that would be really nice but I am sure Adam is working on it.



This image helped me understand that this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
I’m going to purchase now, but I hope you add more tutorials / insight into the use of the tools on the forum and asset store page soon.

Also, I’m curious about the integration with the other tools.


Sorry I didn’t get email notifications but I will answer as quick as I can. :slight_smile:

@Mark_01 ,

We are happy that you are happy! :slight_smile:
We are in this to help your dreams come true.That’s what moves us. It’s not possible to make things that will fit everyone, but we strive to make our things help as many as we can.

Please do come by on the Discord server and share any thoughts you have on the tool. Or do it here. (but it could take longer for us to reply when we don’t get email notifications)
With that said, we are very busy with a lot of stuff, so please bare with us.

And as always: Have fun creating! :wink:


Hey @txarly !

If I understand you correctly you would want Path Painter created textures to persist when Gaia spawns textures?
Sorry that’s not possible at the moment although one of the things I want to explore would probably make that possible too.
Note: exploring doesn’t guarantee it will happen. We need to find a good balance and hastily taking the tool in one direction could close down other more important directions.

We released Path Painter with what we thought was the bare minimum (instead of adding all the crazy ideas that kept bumping in our heads), so over time we can tailor it to the users’ need. We want you to love it. We could create something that we love, or that we think you would love, but if it doesn’t fit how you guys use it, that doesn’t benefit the world much.

Long story short: There are no fancy integrations and features yet (although some people would argue that some of the stuff that’s already in there are pretty fancy :slight_smile: )

I hope this answers your question.