A while ago I made a pathfinding system using raycasting.
That version worked, but not so good. So now I have completely rewritten the script to make it better. It can now find it’s way in quite complicated areas and does not lag (it now operates over several frames).
It does also support splitting paths so you can get the shortest path.
And what is the best thing? Its free :!:
The reason it 0.9 and not 1.0 is that it still has one bug, it can loop sometimes, but that does not happen if you have fairly uncomplicated areas.
This is looking good, we already used your previous version on Surrounded by Death(www.surroundedbydeath.com). And we might update it with this system which make the pathfinding even better;)
I never got Angry Ant’s pathfinding system to work for me (crashed when I tried to use the terrain as a nav-mesh so I don’t really know how efficient it is compared to mine.
I haven’t developed for the iPhone or iPod touch so I don’t know how well it works on those either, but if you get it to work on an iPod I would like to hear the results.
No it does not require any external assets (except the script).
can you give any insight on how to use this ? I am pretty new to unity but i have quite alot of software developing experience, yet i cant understand how the AI and AI_path script work together, i see no connection points on when the route is searched, and what functions to use etc.
Some very basic documentation would help alot, right now there are just some rare comments in the code which dont tell much, also your sample project has the old 0.5 script embedded, when i include 0.9 in there it doesnt work.
Between you and AA, you all are getting some good work done in Unity for path finding. The one I started a while back uses finite state machines, map node networks and the TOM approach (theory of mind), however it has issues deeper than layer 3 on the calculations and I find that the arrays get overwhelming on the solution model. The message based system with the location based information stored in grid array points and ray tracing the elements causes so much lag I had to give up, I simply overthink things on a major scale.
I need to stop with the order specific mutation operations and the non order specific mutation and come up with some logical simple solution. That or just don’t bother and wait to see how you and AA come along (don’t know if he is still working on his model or not)
what i read on irc is that this method here is incredibly heavy on the CPU, but by looking at the uncommented code for and hour or two i couldnt really figure out how he is doing it exactly.
I will stick to AAs solution i guess, that will work better in most scenarios and isnt nearly as hard on the cpu.
AA’s path lib is great,but it’s hard to handle the
collision when 2 patrol object collide!(stuck if you don’t ignore all the patrol objects’ collider)
any one got solution on this?
It should work out of the box with Unity iPhone, since it does not uses anything that is not supported by Unity iPhone: it is just a script that makes a lot of Raycasts and Math calculations.
Although, I would not really reccomend using this in a realtime basis because it would be too heavy (for my advice) for a device such as the iPhone 3g.