Pathfinding and brand new Jobs system

Is there any working approach for calculating NavMeshPath with multithreaded Jobs?
I’m asking because roadmap for 2018.1 contains “C# Job system support for Navmesh navigation” marked as done, but i can’t find any valid references to this in API or somewhere else…

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The official api is in Experimental.Ai. Part of the api actually needed only exists in their Unite tech demo GitHub - Unity-Technologies/UniteAustinTechnicalPresentation.

Job system support is done as the queries are fully supported in jobs. But the api itself is not done, because necessary parts to make the whole thing usable only exist in their tech demo. Specially taking the raw polygon data and converting it to straightened paths.

Be prepared for a learning curve. Unity pathfinding is based on Recastnavigation. It will help to understand how it works to put everything together.

And this page that describes string pulling, which is the major missing piece of the api that only exists in the tech demo.

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snacktime, Thanks a lot!