Pathfinding Engine


Hi everybody,
I want to present a new Unity3D tool : Pathfinding Engine.

Pathfinding Engine is an easy to use and fast A* path-finding solution. It auto-generates navigational grids and support dynamic obstacles.
The package comes with example scripts, ready to be adapted to any game implementation.


Here you can try different live demos:

Simple example.
Dynamic Obstacle example.
Patrol example
Stress example
Terrain example
Local avoidance ( version 1.2 )

This asset will be soon to store.
I wait your comments.

It good but I don’t like the way it keeps twitching between up and left/right one at a time when traveling diagonally. I’d prefer a Lerp if there is a clear path to the destination.

Hi sootie8.
First, thanks for your interest.

My idea is to create an economic pathfinding system with a correct initial version.
When this asset will be available in asset store I will update with other features in future:
-support to 2d ( ready in 2 weeks )
-dynamic avoidance between agents ( ready in 4 weeks)
-generate a better smooth path (ready in 2 weeks )

Other ideas can be added if community take into consideration.

is this a game or something which we can use in our games?
looks like a game except for that robot never comes back.


I would suggest that you change the layout of your example scenes. Currently they are pretty much identical to the ones I include in my A* Pathfinding Project, you even seem to be using the exact same materials that I created.
I haven’t checked if you are also using code from my project, I hope not.

Comparison (this is from the A* Pathfinding Project):

The Pathfinding Engine is not a game.
It’s a tool to help with pathfinding units in your game.
You can use in RTS, TD…

Hi Aron.
First : sorry if any example is similar but if itt’s a problem I will change it soon as posible.
Second: all code i write myself and my asset haven’t same level than yours.
My asset is more simple.
If you have any question more send me a email and i will respond you all without problems.

Yes it would be good if you would change it to avoid confusion for users.

It´s changed. :slight_smile:

What makes this stand out from one of the many existing A* pathfinding solutions available?

The purpose of Pathfinding Engine is to provide game developers with a robust ,well documented and easy-to-use toolkit for pathfinding with a CHEAP PRICE.
My idea is to create a correct and low-cost solution : 10 or 15$.

Hi , I upload a new stress example that it´s working with 400 agents without problems.

I saw two issues:

  • Clicking multiple times on a point causes the robots to go back and forth where they currently stay. After the last one, they’ll go to the planned point.
  • If they starting to go to the specific point, the framerate drops for a split second but goes then back to normal again.

Hi Mauri.
I´m working about your first issue and I will find a solution in several days: I need to implement a function to check the generated path with the actual position agent because exists a time between the moment you click a destination and the moment the path to go to destination is generated.
About the frame rate , in Pathfinding Engine code , you can find a variable , that if you change, will be solved.

First of all I want to thank you for the contributions of Sootie8 and Mauri.
Thanks to them I have focused my attention on solving various problems.
I have improved the smoothness of the path, I have improved the generation of routes that have not backwards (although needs a bit more work) and optimized the framerate in some examples.
Now the main post examples are updated. Thanks a lot.:smile:

I’ve finally been able to solve the step back that appeared if a destination quickly and repeatedly was defined.
The examples have been updated.

I hope new comments.:slight_smile:

Compared to A* pathfinding , stress test seems not so powerfull.
How easy to generate navmesh ? some parameters ? will it be editable ?
How to tweak navmesh navigtaion calculation , like one call only for some project or several for dynamic advoidance ?

The navigation agent works with a single instruction: agent.GoTo (point)
Right now I’m working on the user manual and hope to get soon: maybe tonight or tomorrow.

The collision avoidance will be something to add in the future after the Pathfinding Engine be published in the asset store.

On the stress test will try to create a harder test.

Hi zenGarden,
I upload several examples where agents are patrolling with dynamic obstacles.

300 agents
600 agents

And a quick start manual.

If anyone has any suggestions let me know, please.

I uploaded tonight Pathfinding Engine v1.1b. Right now I’m waiting for confirmation. I hope there are no problems.

While I’m working on a multilayer system. Here you have a new demo.
IMPORTANT: The demo is still at an early stage.

Multilayerd Demo