Pathfinding in 2d array of GameObjects

Hello, how can i to use pathfinding in 2d array of GO?

    public GameObject tile;
	public GameObject[,] tile_array;
	public float gen_w;
	public float gen_h;
	public int MapW;
	public int MapH;

void TileGen(){
				for (int r = 0; r < MapW; r++) {
					for (int c = 0; c < MapH; c++) {
						float x = (r * (gen_w / 2)) / 100;
				        float y = (c * (gen_h / 2)) / 100;
				tile_array[r,c] = (GameObject)Instantiate (tile, new Vector3 (x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity); 

Use the A* algorithm

Here’s an example implementation from when I had a small problem with it (Unityscript, but it’s easy to translate to c# if needed)