Paths in ignore.conf are not ignored

So I got two separate workstations, one Plastic is correctly ignoring all paths I entered in the ignore.conf file.

The other workstation, with the identical ignore.conf file (I even checked it in and downloaded it on that machine via Plastic) is not ignoring the paths and still showing all that files under “Added and private” with status “Added”.

So I’m sure I didn’t make any mistake with the naming convention, as it works on the other PC.

I can’t find any discrepancies in the Plastic settings. They seem to be identically set. Is there anything I keep missing?

Also I can’t right click on a file and manually ignore it, the option is greyed out.


Do you have configured global ignore rules?

In the Plastic GUI → Pending Changes → Options, do you have the setting enabled to show ignored items?

In the Workspace Explorer view, is the item status Ignored?
