Pathway Progression doesnt work for me

Hello everyone!
This is my 1st post here :slight_smile: For quite some time I am slowly digging through the Unity Learn Pathways. I have started the essentials pathway with 2022 unity version, and now I have re-started it using Unity 6.
Now my problem is that the Pathway progress tracking doesnt always work correctly. The biggest issue I have is with completing elements. For Example this is how my Junior Programmer progress looks like:
(Picture 1)
Notice how all elements are complete and yet the overall “Tutorial - Install Unity Software” is not complete. I would probably ignore this if it wasnt for the fact that each time I use go to next step, in further course elements, it always sends me back here clearly believing that this is my nearest incomplete element. I know its a small issue but its soooo annoying.
What makes this even worse, is when I change the courses unity version to 6 the sub-steps dissapear:
(Picture 2)
This same issue also persists on higher levels where I can see a Pathway completed - and yet all of its steps inside are marked as not completed.
(Picture 3)

I tried different browsers (Edge, Brave, FireFox) effects are always the same. Please help :frowning:


I see very low traffic on my topic :smiley:
Lets start slowly:

  1. Is there anyone else experiencing the same issues?

Hi, @DeadLockAlpha!

I’m taking this thread and passing it along to our product team! Please stay tuned + I’ll update with any guidance. Thanks! :slight_smile:

- Kirk | Senior Community Manager | Unity

cc: @Zu-UnityLearn @NealEdu


For some reason I think I might have experienced something like this a long time ago, I have no details though.

Something is telling me I went back to the steps (In your case 1-5) and selected “Mark step as incomplete”, and then at the bottom of the tutorial, at least on the course I am currently looking at, there is an option for “Mark all complete and continue”.

I keep doing multiple things like marking steps as incomplete, marking them complete manually, marking them complete with a button, refreshing the steps as incomplete than changing unity versions - many random approaches that sometimes do resolve the issue - (this latest situation with Tutorial: Install Unity Software took like 30 attempts?) but no repeatable resolution pattern emerged in therms of website buttons :frowning:

I have the same issue with the Unity version 6. No sub-steps and if I want to complete a mission controll point it sends me back.
I am doing the Creative Core with Google Chrome. Does anyone have a solution or do I have to get creative? The only way I could complete a mission was doing it for version 2021.3.
I only did the intrduction Mission Checkpoint: I am afraid of getting some problems if I would like to do it for the version 6 with using the pathyway for 2021.3.

Thanks for looking into it :slight_smile:

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Just so you know I am eagerly waiting :slight_smile:
I have serious problems with focusing and distractions, and those progression issues are detonating my brain so hard :frowning:

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I have the same issue. Super annoying. But mine doesn’t even work for any of the other versions besides 6 either. And it’s for all steps, not just substeps.

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I have the same issue!

Additionally, I’ve completed every checkpoint in the Essentials Pathway, but it still shows 0/6 missions completed!

It’s so annoying and really kills the gamification of the Learn Platform!

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Yeah, same. It’s a massive issue for me because it ruins the learning experience being jarringly sent back to the first course at the end of every lesson.

Seems like a common issue. There’s been a few posts about it.
I’ve even got the Credly badges and they still say 0/6. You’re not alone. Glad to see the one reply from @unityCM_Kirk looking into it/guidance.

This drives me crazy. Sometimes it accepts my progress and then you can “resume” at the beginning!

It’s not about the “fun” of the gamification, it’s about navigation!

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So where are we with the solution? :slight_smile:

Hi all, so sorry for the issues with the pathway progress. We’ll be rolling out a major update to the pathways system over the next several weeks, addressing one pathway at a time. You may notice some minor changes to how they look and function - hopefully all for the better. I can’t share specific dates for specific pathways, but we hope to address them all in short order. If you’d like a preview for the new system, check out the Mobile AR Developer pathway, which was our proof of concept for the upcoming changes -