Pathway : Unity Essentials unavailable

I’ve been unable to access the Unity essentials on the Unity Learn.
When I click the link to the Unity Essentials, it directs me to "Error 404 Sorry about that, we can’t find the page you’re looking for. "page.
URL is as shown in the picture. (Unity Essentials - Unity Learn)


Hi there. Are you still seeing this issue? I can’t reproduce it and wonder if it was a temporary blip. Thanks!

I just clicked the link in your post and

looks like its back now

Same here, “Sorry about that, we can’t find the page you’re looking for.” few days ago everything was cool.

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Thanks for you reply.
It still doesn’t work for me…

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still working here, are you in a more restrictive country perhaps? or being a proxy thats cached it as down?

Try changing the language to English at the bottom of the Unity Learn page

Change the language to English at the bottom of the Unity Learn page

thank you, changing the language to English, worked fine for me.

@bugfinders thank you for your assistance as well.