I’m not a big fan of the Time.timescale = 0 method of pausing your game. I’d rather pause Components individually, to control exactly what’s going on.
Tonight I’m wrapping up a tool for my own toolbox: PausableObject. Deriving scripts from PausableObject makes it easy to pause and unpause their activity.
You get access to a Paused property (for pausing activity in Update loops), as well as OnPaused() and OnUnpaused() callbacks.
public class TestPausableObject : PausableObject
void Update()
// just a quick example to show how pausing/unpausing works
Paused = !Paused;
// do awesome Update stuff
protected override void OnPaused ()
// pause something external, like an animation
protected override void OnUnpaused ()
// unpause something external, like an animation
Ok sure, but more useful, you get access to a StartPausableCoroutine() method. This will start normal unity Coroutines, but will automatically pause their execution when Paused == true (and resume them when Paused == false).
This coroutine will pause just fine:
public class TestPausableObject : PausableObject
void Awake()
// or
StartPausableCoroutine("RunPauseTest", 10);
IEnumerator RunPauseTest(float seconds)
yield return null;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds);
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
yield return StartPausableCoroutine(WaitForTime(0.1f));
// (also works with yielding WWW objects)
IEnumerator WaitForTime(float time)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(time);
I’m wondering if people have written scripts like this into their own project, and if there’d be any general interest for having something like this on the AS.