After reading a couple other threads about this I attempted to implement a few of the solutions with no favorable resolution. Currently we are trying to “Toggle Off” the Physical Camera on an iPhone when we are on a UI screen.
The 2 Posts I’ve Read on this topic: Turn Off Mars Camera and Reset MARS
We originally thought turning off the ARSessionOrigin components, or even the ARCamera would fix the problem however neither work.
I am pretty sure I’m close, but the issue I’m reaching currently is that I am using the following code from one of the forum posts:
using System;
using Unity.MARS.Providers;
using Unity.MARS.Settings;
using Unity.XRTools.ModuleLoader;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.MARS
public class SessionUI : MonoBehaviour, IUsesFunctionalityInjection, IUsesSessionControl
IProvidesFunctionalityInjection IFunctionalitySubscriber<IProvidesFunctionalityInjection>.provider { get; set; }
IProvidesSessionControl IFunctionalitySubscriber<IProvidesSessionControl>.provider { get; set; }
void Awake()
// Only necessary if this script isn't already in the scene when you press Play
public void TogglePaused()
var marsCore = MARSCore.instance;
var wasPaused = marsCore.paused;
marsCore.paused = !wasPaused;
if (wasPaused)
But I need to be able to Call this inside my GameManager.cs file when needed.
This is how I’m declaring it in the GameManager.cs file:
(This script is also “using Unity.MARS;”)
public SessionUI session;
I’m implementing it like this:
However, the issue I’m getting is that since this script “SessionUI” has that void Awake() function to not worry about linking it as the article stated. When I play my scene however and the editor hits line 194 (the first time session.TogglePaused(); is used and hits this error:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
GameManager.Start () (at Assets/Scripts/GameManager.cs:194)
Any ideas to fix this?