Does Unity have an option where we can pay money to increase our bandwidth cap per player? Right now, from what I’ve read, the limit is 4k/second per player. I’m wanting about 16k/second per player, since I’m working with an RTS game where the genre kind of necessitates needing more bandwidth per player (unless I create a deterministic RTS, but that’s another story for another time).
I know we can pay for pro in order to have more CCU per game, which is cool, but I need more bandwidth per individual player/client. Clients are getting kicked/disconnected all the time as it currently stands using Unet, for one reason or another.
The main thing you can do is get in touch with the Unity Network Team and get them to change it for you project on their end. Their email is
Also, a very useful thing I found recently is that you can specify which channel Rpcs are sent on with the code [ClientRpc (channel = 1)]
This lets you specify that some network messages should use a different QOS such as unreliable, which uses way less bandwidth than the reliable option.
What happens when the game goes Live then? Does it increase to something else? Yes, in LAN mode it works great. And I’ve done that before. But I just wanted to test with a real “live” connection.
Thanks for the info Clever. I might have to contact Unity then and see if they might be able to. Also, that is good info about using the (channel=1) within the command/rpc tag. I actually just came across that a day or two ago. That is a good thing to know
Thank you both for the replies. I hope I can get my game working one way or the other.