paying for an object in game

How do I make my player get a score and deduct it when paying for an object like in call of duty

You’re really asking about a few different tasks:

  • You’ll probably want some variable to keep track of score. Probably an int or float.
  • You’ll probably want to keep that variable in a script, probably a MonoBehaviour.
  • You’ll probably want to attach that script to your player object.
  • You’ll probably need some mechanism to change the score.
  • You’ll probably need some mechanism to give the player equipment.
  • You’ll probably want some mechanism to display the player’s current score (GUI/HUD).

For an experienced developer, most of these tasks will be obvious. It sounds like you’re just getting started, so I’m spelling it out in a little more detail.

Judging from your question, you may want to search the net for Unity tutorials, or for introductions to programming concepts in general. I don’t know of any especially good ones off the top of my head, but the best I can of right now are these two: