PaypalIPN Shop Integration


good job!! :slight_smile:

Thank you rosor!

Very cool. :slight_smile:

Thank you! :smile:

Well done with this, great idea.

Way to think ahead of time.

can we use this script in ios, osx and android? and is that against apple rules? sorry for asking this stupid question.

Questions are never stupid. I am sorry but i have no ios or android device to test it. I also do not know if it is against the apple rules, if you click on one of the offer you will be simply redirected to paypal where you can do or cancel the payment.

Nice job!

Very nice bro! Be picking this up soon.

Thank you ImaGino and Burletech!

Nice idea!

Thank you! :smile:

Reduced price to 10$, would be great to get feedback from the one guy who bought it :smile:

Thread recreated :smile:

This is free now!

This looks nice, but I really don’t want to give out my personal details just to download a free package. Anywhere else you could host it?

Just put in fake info. I did.

why not put this in the asset store?