PBR Objects : Stationery (and other's are coming)

Here’s my first asset published in the asset store:

I try to do everything to make your games creation
faster, so i make prefab options with physic or
static, lod or no lod. You could also remove the
collider for static objects. A custom windows
help you to choose the prefab and drag them to
the scene or to locate them or their material in the
project folder.

The objects are small, so I reduced texture to 512k,
but I could give the original that are most in 2048k.

Most objects had Albedo, Normals, Ambiant Occlusion
and half had a metal texture. For smaller objects composed
from one material I think that metal textures would only cost

I think about a mobile version, but I’m not sure of the
modification I need to do. What’s the perfect material for this?

Do you have any suggestion? Objects you want to see?
What type of prefab option would you like ?

The next asset will be Can/JerriCan/Canned food.
Here’s a screenshot of the work in progress:

Just updated The Stationery.
There was a problem on mac with the editor script.
Crashing unity when dragging object… Now it’s fixed.
To make me forgive about that i create 7 new objects.
(3 folders,tape,compass,perforator,pencil-bag)
The update is free for those who have already buy
the asset and the price stay the same.