PBR on terrain tools

I’ve made a decent looking terrain and painted it with the terrain tools.
It looks alright but I want to take it to the next level using PBR textures that I have.

What are my options?
I’ve looked at CTS, Megasplatt and Amplify Shader.

I’ve thought about converting my terrain to mesh and back (when I want to edit it) and work with mesh shading tools. Although ti would be best (I think) to work with the object as a terrain for the most part.

Anyone care to tell me about their workflow or recommend tools that they like.

Thanks! :smile:

I am using MicroSplat with great satisfaction.
With modules you can add the features you want.
It is very very fast and looks great. And last but not least, the author is very helpful and responsive.


My workflow usually consists of using an editor to start and then trying to get my detail carried over to a mesh. Even with the new terrain optimizations Unity terrain is still a hungry beast. Imo you can’t really beat just buckling down and painting it by hand.