[PBR Sky] HDRP 7.1.5 isPbrSkyActive not correctly calculated

There is a code in PhysicallyBasedSkyRenderer

float r = Vector3.Distance(builtinParams.worldSpaceCameraPos, pbrSky.planetCenterPosition.value);
float R = pbrSky.planetaryRadius.value;

bool isPbrSkyActive = true;//r > R; // Disable sky rendering below the ground

here planetary radius and planet center is in km, but worldSpaceCameraPos in m, if I understand correctly, which will lead to incorrect results.

Also somewhat related issue (Case 1199696) 2019.3b11 Physically Based Sky goes black if camera y is below zero


Haven’t look at how the code it but aren’t they converting the km value into meters? Is the saved value in km or m?
Perhaps it is only displayed in the editor as a km value. Otherwise you could convert the camera value or the other values to match the formula.

It was fixed in 7.1.6 where everything is in meters