(PC) Jurassic Extinction (Released)

I have to say this, cause its really been on my mind…maybe you guys can help. Sound…theres big controversy over what they really sounded like…ive studied up on this. Now, i have a very large collection of dinosaur sounds (species, general, etc.). So…do i set sound up as whats in jurassic park, or do i set it up as what current scientists latest data suggests?

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Probably I would go toward modern directions.

There will be a lot speculations still.
But if you think about it, and look into birds for example, they look like many known dinosaurs.
So for example, I remember from years ago velociraptors without hair, or feathers. And including Jurassic Park series. But then, more modern discoveries / science indicated, many of dinosaurs could have actually some early to advanced feathers.

I am not claiming accuracy for this video, but see what I mean. I find it interesting (Not that is new to me).

For game purposes, depends weather you want to go for accuracy, or just fun game play, is up to you. Feather also add complexity to models. However on other hand, may make game more interesting.

Now back to sounds.
Similarly, weather you want scientific accuracy, or fun gameplay (sounds more dangerous). Probably still speculative which is more correct. Consider which audience you target at as well.

However, you need probably consider, what is easier to get and implement. You don’t want spend too much time fussing about with sounds / feathers :slight_smile: Make sure, you can later replace such elements, if require.

Another aspect is, how much similar / different you want make game, to existing games. If is too similar, it may be less competitive / appealing. In the end, we got quite few games with dinosaurs on the market already.


Excelent answer, per your reference, the logical answer is to go with more current scientific base, so it adds more accuracy, but retains the “fun aspect”…i like that idea…


Tonights work, added Dilophosaurus, and Parasaur, also did work on terrain to areas that the player wont have acccess to, these areas will be for expansion/DLC content. Please note, per Antypodish’s answer (see above), most models will be updated/changed at a later date with more acurate ones, lovin the idea :slight_smile:

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Ahh, someone noticed…yes i have “lowered” the grass height, it creates a “scattered” effect, some spots no grass, etc. Remember always check the official website for detailed info.,…


Just a small update, but big for dev:
Tonight ive added the “gametrail”, this trail/path is what gamers will follow in order to encounter all species on the island, and ends at the operations center. Now i can start adding in foliage and setting areas up, as i now know what dinos will be where. Also added were the following species, they are not scaled yet or have AI, as that will be done tomorrow night or this coming weekend:
Ovi Raptor
Heres a screenshot of the gametrail in the Brachy area:

Once scaling and AI are done (for the added species), then i can record a video of a “runthrough” of the island…will be a busy weekend, lol

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An update to the website, but…ill be posting vids and exclusive content here…
Sorry to say but its at that point in the project that i have to stop showing too much of the game, or it will ruin the surprises and basicly the game itself. I will be posting updates, but not of “major” content. Some people like my grandson, close family and select friends (and alpha/beta testers) will see it all. To date there are 13 species added, and i still have many more to add. Its at the point where dinos are killing each other (for food, as they have to eat) and the dino artificial intelligence (AI) is working awesome, they eat, drink, sleep, attack and alot more, a living environment.
I added in the Spineosaurus tonight, which is the LARGEST dino that lived (bigger than t-rex) and hes awesome…he attacked a t-rex tonight and ate him, lol. Heres a shot…

(Updates will follow, im actually ahead of schedule…but games of this scope and size take about a year to go to release.) Welcome to Jurassic Extinction!

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Tonights work was mostly scale and placement, scale wasnt too bad, as im going between reality and fiction (JP), AI is working great, no console errors, and performance is spot on, so far, codeing hasnt been too bad, mostly modification to existing code. LOD trees have helped greatly. Adding in my Titanoboa model didnt work so well, might have to re-do the animations.

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Ok, what i CAN show you from tonights work is a new ground texture for the “gametrail”, and the Parasaur’s are now working (AI), also new rock texture (no longer black looking), very realistic. And FYI, the Velociraptors and Oviraptors are VERY Nasty! They killed me twice in-game cause i was too close, lol You will love them :slight_smile:

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Got alot done this weekend (mostly foliage) looking real good, also set up collision detection for all “active” dinos… 1st of all, the final version of trees have been added (palms and kapok), though the texture colors will be modified. Parasaurs are fully working (AI), and the latest edition Raptors. So much to do, lol. Next to be configured/set up is T-Rex, Triceratops, and Spineosaurus. Heres some shots of Brachy and raptor areas…


Have you seen this awesome time sculpt in Blender of Indoraptor > >

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OMG OMG You’re awesome ! ! :smile:

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I think you might consider Dramatic effect Or, ’ Coolness ', Because it’s Supposed to a game, not a Documentary, But o-kay . …

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Okay, your game is looking great, my advice start watching tutorials of things you’ll need and, mix in with time doing fun stuff, making the island, planning locations, that whole lot - -

That way, you get the boring work done and, have fun while doing it - - Plus, Lots of Redbull - -

Your game looks fantastic, the animations are nice and, it’s almost like Jurassic Park movies, you get 9 of 10 stars, from me ! !$

You know what I’d suggest, like a hero like Indiana Jones Or, Lara Croft, but a man, he’s sort of a paleontologist and, goes hunting for stuff among dinosaurs, I don’t know story for how he meets them, but maybe he went back in time, by accident, is stuck in Dinosaur world and, must find way back - - He only has his out-doors clothes but, he plays like Nathan Drake in The Uncharted, so it’s Indianasaurus ’ Drake ’ Jones - -

Your game looks fantastic and, it’s a Master-piece . .

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Imagine if you got send back to Dinosaur times, and Didn’t know how to get back Like, you Got there by Accident - -

Maybe at work, they work with limited time displacement, like a week and, you’re a scientist, by accident, there’s a malfunction and, you’re sent 65 million years back and, no one under-stands how, it’s a short circuit - -

But, even though you’re a nerdy scientist, you become like Indiana Jones And, Learn to survive - -

I always wondered if that happened to me, what I would do, it’s Power-ful story And, Campaign - -

Surviving amongst dinosaurs, I Wondered ever since I saw Jurassic Park, we need a Dinosaur-Survival-Hunting game - - Intro like Half-life game, There’s an Accident, Suddenly, in Another dimension Or, Time

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Thanks so much for the kind words, and yes story line and “fun” is already planned out very well, with intro, cutscenes and etc. and ideas are welcome. But things are done in “phases”, with a game like this environment is foremost important at this phase, LOD models, draw calls, textures per model, so much to do. The actual gameplay is coming soon, cant wait, but look at these 2 comparative shots, only about a month apart, and you can see the big difference…im impatient myself, but have to pace myself, lol, this is the brachy area a month ago, and now:

Night and day difference… Alot is planned for gameplay, just have to get there, lol.


Your game deserves the best treatment, you should get Unity Learn Premium And, maybe even Get help directly, from Unity - - Yours Could be A Real classic - -

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I would like to play your game, but there Needs to be a Cool story - - I Really like the idea of Some-one working at like NASA and, they try to do some Crazy research and, An Accident, you wake up 65 Million years ago - - Maybe an Experimental Space-bending Engine, that mis-fires - -

If it was an astronaut or, Better a NASA Aerodynamics Engineer <3

Wolfgang Tyler Peterson, Pehaps ?

One minute you’re working as an engineer, on an experimental worm-hole drive, next minute you’re 65 million years ago

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If that was the story, I’d buy it, it would be super scary and, Good - - close, to Dead space 1 <3

Omg, if you did that, you’d have a hit - - <3 <3 $

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You should ask others to help, maybe, so you have mechanic, you can climb on dinosaurs - - OMG, if you Could tame the plant- eaters And, ride on them, to defeat Meat-eaters And, get your Gear back And, Go home - -§

A mixture of Half-life 1 And, Crysis 3 - -$

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If you could get to the level of ADAM And, Heretic Unity looks, you could have a Real Smash - hit ! !

It could become a Franchise - -

In the sequel, it’s a woman that goes back, like Tomb Raider - - Or, in the Second sequel - -

Character design, Dinosaur design, Environment design - -$ You’re, Sitting on Gold - –

Call it " Teeth and Jungle - The Descent " X X§

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