I found in your pricing page the PCU definition:

PCU stands for Peak Concurrent Users (also known as Concurrent logged in users in the Unity Dashboard). PCU refers to the highest number of end users who are simultaneously logged in to the services for a supported title at any given moment during a monthly billing period.

It says aka Concurrent logged in users, what as far as I know, is CCU

On the other hand, what I think:
CCU: 100 users playing 12 hours a day for one month = 50 CCU
PCU: max (peak) players amount at the same time in a month

Example: Max players - Sep 2022
10 sep, 10 a.m.: 250
20 sep, 12 a.m.: 320
30 sep, 2 a.m.: 300

PCU = 320
Is that correct?

So, is PCU for Vivox the same as CCU?
If not, what is the difference?
A good and clear example for both PCU and CCU would be great.

Hello! Your understanding of PCU is completely correct! So the calculation above is right.

Regarding the CCU, could you link the page you are seeing this referenced? This way I can ensure I am providing the most accurate answer to your question. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Hello @emilyryan . Sure.
Billing FAQ – Unity - How Relay defines and captures the monthly average concurrent users (monthly average CCUs)

Hello! Thank you for the clarification!

In this case, PCU and CCU are different. PCU does not changed based on how long someone is using the service, however, CCU does.

For example, if 10 people are using Vivox at once, it still counts as 10 PCU, even if they use Vivox for 5 minutes or 5 hours.

However, if 10 people use Relay the CCU will vary depending on how long it is. If the 10 people use it for 12 hours, its only 5 CCU, however if they use it for 24 hours, then its 10 CCU.

Thanks for your question! I hope this helps, and I am happy to assist if you have additional follow up questions.


Your explanation is very clear.
Thank you very much.

No problem! Happy we could assist! I will close out this forum post for now. Have a great rest of your day!